Wednesday, February 05, 2014


That's what we use to call it when, as a member of one of the many Clay Boards, you'd travel to a concert. Those were the days!

My primary board was LBFCA (Lecherous Broads For Clay Aiken) and secondary was The Clackhouse. I never became too involved with the discussions at the OFC (The Official Fan Club) at but I was still a member. We'd get little trinkets every time we renewed our annual memberships like t-shirts, autographed pictures, bracelets, magnets... that sort of thing. After a couple of years I opted for just purchasing the basic membership which didn't include any of the goodies but still allowed you to participate in the fanclub threads, sign up for Meet and Greet drawings, receive the super secret presale codes as well as entering writing contests, etc.

Anyway, the link to was always very easily accessible from a bookmark in my "favorites."

I haven't visited that link in a very long time.

Until today...

How very, very strange and... Sad? Happy? Proud? Hopeful?

Maybe all of the above.

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