Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Perceptions... Part 3

And right after this, I promise to move on to other things... like the state of the economy or somethin'.

Neither of which, to be quite honest, will ever be quite as distressing to many of us as this was...

::I assure you::

But yeah, we all see things so differently. So many, many variations on the same theme... even though I may have already expressed that thought... as in, perhaps, ad nauseum?

So here are a couple of things that we can probably ALL see the same way on. Even if what we're seeing isn't really what we're seeing. But still, since we think we're seeing it... it still kinda works.

*click for the better illusion*

Somehow, in a funny sort of way, this makes sense to me.

Anyway...Best Blog on the subject so far. IMHO.

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Dianne Barbee said...


Sorry I am just now catching up with your perceptions series. All three are very interesting -- and you can bet I will be back to read about the state of the economy, LOL!

Thnx for your kind words at the Carolina blog. Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

O my god, I love the optical illusions! wow that brings back some trippy memories from the early 90's - anyway like your blog especially with the cat f* up the perception.
Have a great hump day(Wednesday),